Parapsychologists in the UK

- Dr. Susan Blackmore
Current affiliation is the Psychology Department, University of the West of England, St. Matthias College, Bristol, BS16 2JP.

- Dr. Bernard Carr
Current affiliation is Department of Mathematics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London.

- Dr. Alan Gauld
Current affiliation is Psychology Department, Nottingham University

Professor Brian Josephson
Current affiliation is Physics Department (Cavendish laboratory), University of Cambridge.

- Tony Lawrence [email]
Current affilitaion is Coventry University

- Dr. Julie Milton [email]

- Chris Roe
Current affiliation is Nene College, Northampton.

- Dr Serena Roney-Dougal

- Carl Williams [email]
Current affiliation is the Liverpool Institue of Higher Education

- Dr. Richard Wiseman
- Matthew Smith [email]
Current affiliation is the Perrot-Warrick Research Unit, Psychology Division, University of Hertfordshire.

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Last modified: 21st. January 1996 Paul Stevens